Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yoga - Holistic healthcare

Yoga is the ancient Indian science which balances one's body, mind and soul through several tools like Asanas (postures), Pranayamas (physical postures), Dharana(concentration) and Dhyana(meditation). Asanas are the one wherein one is stable and comfortable to maintain a particular posture for a particular duration of time. Pranayamas are specialised breathing techniques which balances one's energies and directs the same in the right direction. Dharana (concentration) & Dhyana (meditation) are mental exercises to bring in a balancing approach to our day - to -day life.
In order to achieve the above mentioned goals of Yoga relevant to today's lifestyle, there are two very important things to remember. They are -
  1. Practice yoga very regularly will all your dedication.
  2. During the practice of yoga let your mind be focused on your practice and the changes occurring on our body and mind by the practice. be continued