Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Holistic health care is an upcoming stream wherein health care is not just for the mechanical parts of body, but also for the mind and the soul. The important sciences which are in tune with holistic health care are Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga and Naturopathy.
These sciences are both preventive and curative. The preventive aspect of these sciences are based on the correction of our lifestyles to tune with the nature's forces leading to a sound body and mind. The curative aspect deals with herbal medicines, panchakarma (ayurvedic method of balancing the humors namely vata, pitta and kapha), acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, Yoga (asanas, pranayamas, meditation, kriyas), holistic diet & nutrition, hydrotherapy (specialised therapeutic baths, compresses & packs), healing massages, aromatherapy, color therapy, magneto therapy, fasting therapy.
In accordance with these holistic healing sciences an illness is due to an imbalance in the forces of our body & mind which is due to our lifestyles which are more away from nature's way of life. The above mentioned sciences would bring in the balance required by getting ourselves in tune with nature's forces.
To be continued..........

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